“God said, ‘Do not approach any closer! Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.’”
What is consecration ministry?
Come Discover the Transforming Power of God through Holy Consecration
This ministry of intercession powerfully “Sets Apart” and prepares the meeting place or worship service for God to pour out His Holy Spirit and minister to the people as they worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Pray the Word Ministries provides the resources for the intercessory prayer team. It includes the Names, Titles and Character traits of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, as well as personal Consecration Cards.
Anyone can consecrate by praying the Word of God. However, we have some resources that will equip you and teach you how to consecrate!
Set Me Apart:
A Consecration Prayer Journal
This prayer journal leads Christians in presenting themselves before God to be cleansed and consecrated for His service by praying the Word of God.
Set Me Apart: Consecration Cards for Today
These cards are available for your personal times of consecration by helping you pray the Scriptures, asking God to reveal Himself and teach you how to offer the parts of your body for use as instruments of righteousness (Romans 6:13).
Another option is to receive personalized consulting and prayer training from our very own president and founder, Mary Ann Bridgwater. She leads prayer teams in consecration before worship services, conferences, bible studies, community and city-wide concerts of prayer locally, nationally, and internationally.
“During my experiences of consecration, I personally sense a greater openness to the Word and the Lord’s direct revelation to me. In addition, He equips me with a heightened sensitivity to respond to those He brings to me during and after the services. On the Sunday mornings that I consecrate, He frequently calls me to pray with individual women who were carrying a heavy burden. He continually blows my mind as He literally responds to the praises and supplications based on His character and names that I pray over the congregation.” - P. S.
"The Ministry of Consecration has opened my eyes to the true Power of Prayer! As a Believer, I have always prayed. However, looking back, I feel as if many times I was ‘going through the motions’ - not because I wanted too but because I wasn't always in tune with the Spirit. I remember the first day that Brandi and I came to the church to pray and we consecrated ourselves from head to toe.....something definitely changed inside me. I literally felt myself being cleansed and healed. I could hear God like never before and it brought tears to my eyes. As we read the names of God and His Word I could hear God telling me what to pray for our church members, for [our pastor], friends, family, etc. My prayers were not just about me or my family but they were for other people - people I don't even know and have never met. It was incredible and it was the process of Consecration that allowed me to be closer to God and hear Him so clearly.” - S.
“A church visitor stopped by the Prayer Ministry table at the Ministry Fair held earlier this year. When I explained the various Prayer Ministries available [our church], particularly the Consecration Ministry and the Prayer During Worship Ministry, I was humbled by her response as paraphrased below:
‘This explains the very real presence of God I feel when entering your sanctuary! Most churches I visit, the worship center seems compressed, pushed in . . . at first, there is a sense that the sanctuary has no ceiling and you just feel the presence of God. Even during the worship time I have been so aware of the Holy Spirit that I would be moved to tears, and I am not one to openly cry! You know God spoke to me that revival in Houston will take place first at Houston’s First Baptist Church. A lot of churches in Houston have been asking for revival, but First Baptist is ready.’”
Contact Us
If you want to know more about Set Me Apart Consecration Ministry, or have any questions about consulting and prayer training for this ministry, please fill out the form below or call us at 713.476.9514. We will get back to you as soon as possible!